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I am Rahul Kadyan.

I occasionally write about the web, dev tooling, and stuff. Here is something for you to read:

  • January 14, 2020

    Negative feedback comes from a good place

    It's not easy to say negative things to people. In fact, it takes a lot of courage to point out the shortcoming. If someone does that for me, honest and brutal, I keep them close. Brutal and honest friends are dearest to me.

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  • November 9, 2019

    Grammarly in Code

    There's no simpler writing tool than markdown. There's no elegant editor than code. There's no better writing environment than markdown in code. It's perfect, but whenever I write, I find myself copy-pasting back and forth between Grammarly editor and VS Code editor. Grammarly makes my writing much better, but it also forces me to use their editor. Don't take me wrong I don't hate their editor, in fact, I kind of like it — clean, spacious, and responsive. But it's not sufficient for me as my articles generally have images, code snippets, figures, and sometimes markup. The lack of syntax highlight for markdown and markup is an absolute deal-breaker. If Grammarly worked in VS Code editor, wouldn't that be perfect?

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  • October 28, 2019

    Shipping Web Components with Vue

    I have been watching the web component spec. However, all the projects I have worked on were either using Vue or React, and these frameworks are more than capable of building complex applications. I never felt like using web components, but that changed yesterday.

    read more about "Shipping Web Components with Vue"
  • May 26, 2019

    Comments in Code

    So one more pull request got rejected for having a comment; "Good code is self-documenting.", said the reviewer.

    read more about "Comments in Code"
  • May 20, 2019

    Running an awesome conference

    I love attending conferences. For inspiring talks, for making new friends and meeting old friends, or for learning new things, conferences have been influential in my journey as a developer. I like many conferences, but I want to be in every vue conference. If you been to a vue Conference, then you know that there’s something different about it. The environment is so welcoming and friendly. Sad! I have to travel across the world to be in one. I have longed to see a vue conference in India, my home, for a long time now.

    read more about "Running an awesome conference"
  • November 29, 2017

    Accessible Components: Test Driven Approach

    The web is undoubtedly the most vital resource today. Modern websites are built-in small building blocks; components. Practices from test-driven software development have employed to automate the correctness of these building blocks.

    read more about "Accessible Components: Test Driven Approach"
  • March 10, 2017

    Provide/Inject in Vue 2.2

    The Initial D release of Vue have some amazing new features, including improved server side rendering, v-model customization, better error handling, provide & inject pair and many other small improvements.

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  • March 5, 2017

    Fiddle with Vue.js

    If you’ve created an issue on Vue.js repository for the first time then there is high probability that you skipped reading the contribution guidelines. By doing so you’ve created an issue that does not tell maintainers a thing and helps nobody. Next, you would be hit with a template response and your issue would be labelled need repro.

    read more about "Fiddle with Vue.js"